01747 858334 newelms@btconnect.com

With only a handful of points separating the top 4 drivers in the AR Motorsport Morgan Challenge Championship, 29 drivers turned up to qualify for the 30 minute race. One absentee from the leading quartet was Keith Ahlers who was racing elsewhere.

The race used the full Grand Prix course for the first time since 2002. The New Elms Plus 8 finished up in pole position for Class C ahead of the other 6 drivers in the Class.

When the lights went out for the start there was much jostling for position through the first few corners. Tim managed to maintain the lead in Class C until the chequered flag and set a new Class lap record in the process despite a late charge from Steve Macdonald.

The result left the New Elms team in 3rd position overall in the Championship with one race to go.